The most attractive part of a person is invisible!

Love, beauty, intellect, and spirituality all in one place.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


In my opinion, it's both "SMART & SEXY" to be happy, joyful and fulfilled. With that said, as I was trying to come up with something unique, insightful and funny to post I stumbled across a so-called "happiness quiz" on the internet. You'd never guess what I found out!

OMGucci Loafers, I'm NOT always a Happy Camper!
I knew at times I could be a bit spastic and down right borderline ADHD, but NOT HAPPY!?! Give me a break! That thought never crossed my busy and overly occupied mine. Well, I'm glad to have taken this so called Happiness Quiz because I'm a big proponent of being truthful about where I am and where I want to go. I want to improve myself in order to be a better vessel God can use. Guess what else you may not have known about me? I'm really transparent! I'm not afraid to share and show my flaws, especially with those closest to me because I'm not perfect. And guess what? You aren't either! Wow, you never knew? (lol)

With that said, I will share with you some of what the results were from the questionaire, it said:
"You're not a very happy bunny are you? You try hard, you're well meaning, but inside you is that little voice that screams 'I'm not good enough'. In short, your lack of happiness is down to what's happening inside you - you never feel contented because you are always striving for maximum success and even if you reach it, you don't feel you deserve to enjoy it.

But happiness isn't something that you get just by hard work. Yes, reaching goals and getting where you want in life is important, but to be truly happy, you need to be at peace with yourself.

People who are at peace with themselves generally do much more and much better in life than those who try hard all the time. Learn to value what you do and you'll not only feel happier, you'll also be more effective."

The Challenge:
I challenge you to look in the mirror and ask yourself today, "Am I happy"? The bible says "the joy of the Lord is our strength" question to you is What has happened to your joy?
Did you lose it when you constantly put your kids needs before yours?
Did you lose it when you constantly put your husband needs before your own goals and dreams? Did you lose it when you put the stresses of your job before your own need to breath, let your hair down, and not take yourself so seriously?
Today I challenge you to go to take the quiz.....just go to
and take the quiz for yourself.
If there's something you don't like about yourself change it! You possess the power within to change it. Remember, "Greater is He who is in YOU....than he who is in the world". You can do it! It is possible!
In Pursuit of Happy-ness (like the Will Smith movie)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

FOR THE SMART/Black History Month. Strange Fruit, Billie Holiday (click here)

During this year's Black History month let's not forget our brothers and sisters that may still be suffering from distressed situations in New Orleans and Mississippi. Or those who are in oppressed situations in Rwanda, Uganda, the Congo and Ethiopia... Unfortunately genocide is still alive. Let's put it to death by exposing it. Everything that is hidden will come to light and LIGHT OVERCOMES DARKNESS!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

FOR THE SEXY (healthy eating habits). click here to view & comment

So, I just got done talking to mom and she asked me to send her my smoothie recipe. So, I decided to post it and share it with you. I used it to supplement meals during this year's consecration. Now that I've gained back like 5-7 lbs I'll definitely start this again soon. Today I'll share it with you.

Strawberry & Banana Smoothie
  • 1 Banana
  • 5 Strawberries (you can also add rasberries and/or blueberries)
  • 1/4 cup of vanilla low fat yogurt
  • 6 ozs of orange juice (substitue w/any juice such as apple or white grape)
  • 8 icecubes
Place all ingredients in a blender (ice on bottom) and blend/puree' for 1 1/2 minutes or so and ENJOY!

You can also add a scoop of orange or lime sherbert for an extra treat!

FOR THE SEXY (Skincare). click here

HONEY CHILD.....Skin Clarifier
(for smooth skin, reduced look of pores, and reduced blemishes)

Use the "full treatment" to reduce the look of your pores and clear skin imperfections and darkspots!

(Personally tried it and love it! Put it on my daughter, too. She loved it but says it stinks)

Step 1: Mix 1/2 cup warm water with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Using a cotton ball
apply directly to blemish. Maintain pressure with cotton ball for several minutes, to soften blemish.

Step 2: Using a cotton ball ,dab honey on blemish; leave on 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt (optional)
  • 1 egg white (whisked)

Mix all ingredients. Apply all over face. Let sit for 15-20 minutes until dry. Rinse (or mildly wash) warm to cold.


Is there more going on in our world other than the NY plane crash or the President's $830B stimulus package? If so, I can't tell. And how many zeros is in a billion or trillion exactly... I forgot.

Is the media an evil ploy to keep us in fear and in an emotionally disturbed bondage? Please tell me what you think. Post a comment.


(Personally tried it and love it)

Great for hyperpigmentation and dark spots, too!!

  • 1 teaspoon (or more) lemon juice (lemon aid/lemon juice will do)
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon Yogurt (optional)

    Technique:Mix 1 egg white, lemon juice, yogurt in a bowl and whisk until whipped consistency. Apply with a clean makeup brush to the area. Let set and dry for 20 minutes, or overnight if desired. Rinse with warm water, then cool water to close pores. Your face will be smooth and oil free. Repeat 2-3 times weekly to remove stubborn oil and Tzone issues.

    A YOUTUBE sight that I LOVE is anything by "Ricebunny". Little asian girl name Michelle Phan. She has beautifully, flawless skin. Below is her link.

    Later I will post my EGG and HONEY mask. A pore reducing mask. It's yummy too!!

FOR THE FASHIONABLE - Spring Shopping 2009
On a recent trip to McArthur Center (Mall) I noticed that the Spring fashion lines are out. Stores that received honorable mentioned in this post: H&M (of course), Forever 21, Coach, Bebe, and Charlotte Russe.

Remember to shop smart! Start at the sale racks which still have winter clothes that we STILL need (it snowed just last night) and be sure to catch the bargains.